Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg

The Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg was founded on January 1, 1852 and is a public-law Sparkasse bank based in Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg. The business area is the district of Ludwigsburg. Legal basis is the Sparkassen Act for Baden-Württemberg and the statutes issued by the district council of the Ludwigsburg district. The board of directors, the administrative board and the credit committee are the organs of the Sparkasse.

As a Sparkasse bank, the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg operates the universal banking business and therefore offers a wide range of banking services for its customers. With total assets of around 11.50 billion euros, the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg is not only the market leader in the county of Ludwigsburg, but is also one of the largest Kreissparkassen in Germany. Customer deposits of around 8.02 billion euros and a loan volume of around 6.40 billion euros are the result of partnership-based cooperation with private and corporate customers as well as the municipalities in the Ludwigsburg district. The Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg has cooperations with the Landesbausparkasse Baden-Württemberg (building society), SV SparkassenVersicherung (insurance company), Deutsche Leasing and DekaBank (stock market).

The most important goal of the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg is its closeness to the customers - this means that the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg is committed to the people in the district of Ludwigsburg. This is lived by the employees on a daily basis, in economic, ecological and social terms. Customers can experience this closeness in particular through a branch network with around 100 branches in the Ludwigsburg district. Modern centers for real estate, wealth management, corporate and commercial customers as well as an insurance agency are available to customers. With 1,460 employees, including 122 trainees, the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg is also an important employer and one of the largest training companies in the region.

The Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg is not only a modern financial service provider, but is also committed to a considerable extent for the people in the Ludwigsburg district. Part of the business philosophy is that a lot of what is earned as a financial institution in the Ludwigsburg district benefits the district and the citizens again - in form of donations, sponsoring and other charitable activities. The Kreissparkasse invested around 3.5 million euros together with its foundations in 2020 (including the sub-foundations) for non-profit in the district. Projects are regularly funded - in the area of local art, sport, youth development, health care, but also in the social area and in environmental and nature protection.

The Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg has supported the Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für Internationale Kooperation (DSIK) for several years. The two main contact persons of the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg are Ms. Isabel Kurz, head of the department Vorstandsstab, and Ms. Andrea Hödebeck-Höfig, head of the department Personalentwicklung. Both are committed to working with the DSIK and support projects with their commitment.