Best of Videos of German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation

A selection of the best videos and films made by German Sparkassenstiftung can be accessed here.

For more materials, please check our HeadQuarter's YouTube channel

Or our Asia YouTube Channel.

Project in Bhutan is on BBS News

The Project for Rural Development-PRuDent of DSIK's project country Bhutan is honored in BBS News of Bhutan. The project has been bringing proven benefits to local people.

Cryptocurrencies Series

See our videos about Cryptocurrencies. More detailed introduction can be found here

Visit our Asia Youtube channel to watch all videos.

Project in Thailand

Have a look in our presentation of project activities in Thailand

Building up a Microfinance Institution from Scratch - Bhutan

Sustainably providing financial services in rural regions – this is possible by building up institutions that follow the principles of Sparkassen.

This video shows how German Sparkassenstiftung builds up a Mircofinance Institution in Bhutan with its project partner RENEW (Respect, Educate, Nurture, and Empower Women) and with expertise from German Sparkassen.

The Microfinance Institution offers savings, provides loans and fosters financial literacy in rural Bhutan. Using digital technology RENEW MFI serves more than 25.000 women covering large parts of Bhutan. The institution strengthens the resilience of its clients – and supports ecological agricultural production. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Want to learn more? Watch the new video!

World Savings Day - Shares from Mr. Klaus Remmer

German Sparkassenstiftung Explained! (2021)

Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung: About us

Myanmar: Green Finance (Tha Bar Wa Project) (2020)

RENEW MFI Bhutan (2019)

For more materials, please check our HeadQuarter's YouTube channel

Or our Asia YouTube Channel.