Thailand project brings Financial Literacy closer to the young audience

Thailand project has been implementing the Savings Game in the schools of Thailand since 2018 however, the pandemic had a strong impact on everyone. Thai schools were not an exception - delays in the implementation of the school curricula made it impossible for our project to implement the planned trainings. The team had to find another way: if the students cannot come to training, we will bring the training to them! This is how the idea to open the Money Management e-learning platform for schools started.

Last week, the project team launched the MM e-platform in the first and biggest school in the North-East of Thailand. The Wittayalai school is one of the 14 schools the project is cooperating with and serves more than 4.500 students. After a long break due to the pandemic, the school has opened the doors for DSIK and GSB to launch the MM online tool, which has been successfully used by more than 19.000 people.

The program was designed as a competition between different groups of students. Supported by their teachers, they had to participate in several activities in order to accumulate points and win the first prize. As a first activity, the project team made a joint live demonstration of one Money Management Module, followed by a Kahoot quiz to check their understanding and a general knowledge and culture quiz.

Together with the school headmaster and the GSB regional executives, the project team has planted a Yellow star tree in the schoolyard as a symbol for the beginning of a fruitful cooperation in the area of Financial Literacy.

Besides promoting FL, the project has emphasized aspects of sustainability and climate change. All students have received cotton bags with the motto: “Be part of the solution, not the pollution” and encouraged them to use less plastic and include more sustainable items in their daily life.

The event was finalized with a soccer match between the groups and the announcement of the day’s big winners.

All students and their family members can now sign up for the Money Management e-learning course and acquire skills for a better management of their personal and household finances.

The project is very excited to see the enthusiasm generated by the newly launched e-learning platform and plans to replicate the event in other schools as well

Meanwhile, the hope of resuming classroom-based trainings didn’t fade and the project team, together with the trainers are on standby for when the schools are ready to open their doors again.