Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden
Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden is a Sparkasse (savings bank) founded in 1834 in the district of Lörrach. It is the largest financial institution in this area. The Sparkasse is a member of the Baden-Württemberg Sparkassen Association and has its headquarters in Lörrach. The sponsors are the municipalities of Lörrach, Rheinfelden (Baden), Kandern, Fischingen, Inzlingen, Steinen, Schwörstadt, Schallbach and Wittlingen.
Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden reported total assets of EUR 3.482 billion in the 2022 financial year and had customer deposits of EUR 1.99 billion. According to the Sparkassen ranking for 2022, it is listed 143rd in terms of total assets. It has 18 branches/self-service locations and more than 400 employees.
In February 2022, Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden started the partnership agreement with German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation, waving a high commitment of the bank to development work worldwide.

The project serves to formalize informal financial organizations in Laos, Vietnam and Nepal and to work on balanced economic development of rural regions. According to which, Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden support projects in Laos with expertise by sending staff members to the project. A win-win situation: to support informal institutions on site and, at the same time, be a valuable opportunity for staff development of the Sparkasse.
The coordinator for activities within the framework of the partnership agreement at Sparkasse Lörrach-Rheinfelden is Mr. Shakib Ahmed (Deputy CEO), who had previously successfully provided expertise within the scope of the short-term consulting assignments of the German Sparkassenstiftung and the Sponsorship Program of the Foundation for Science (Förderkolleg der Stiftung für die Wissenschaft).