German Bundestag Member, Dr. Christoph Hoffmann, visits DSIK's Project in Vietnam

In July 2023, Dr. Christoph Hoffmann, a member of the German Bundestag and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, visited Vietnam to gain insight into the activities of the German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK). As part of his visit, Dr. Hoffmann had the opportunity to meet with DSIK's project partners, the Vietnam Women Academy and the Vietnam National University, to witness firsthand the impact of DSIK's financial education initiatives in the country.

During the visit, Dr. Hoffmann was exposed to a range of activities that DSIK has been implementing to promote financial literacy in Vietnam. Among the notable activities showcased were the DSIK-Business Games, a unique approach that allows participants to gain practical experiences in a playful and engaging manner. The games have proven to be an effective tool in enhancing the financial knowledge and skills of the participants.

Furthermore, Dr. Hoffmann observed the organization's efforts in conducting Financial Literacy Events, including the celebration of World Savings Day and the implementation of a Stock Market Simulation game. These events have been successful in fostering financial awareness among Vietnamese students and equipping them with essential financial management skills.

The visit provided a valuable opportunity for DSIK to demonstrate how its projects have been making a significant contribution to its partner organizations in Vietnam. The Vietnam Women Academy and the Vietnam National University have benefited from DSIK's initiatives, as evidenced by the positive outcomes and the students' improved financial competencies.

Engaging in discussions with political representatives from Germany has been an exciting experience for DSIK. The exchange provided an avenue to showcase the organization's work and achievements in the field of financial education. DSIK is thrilled to have shared a glimpse of its activities with Dr. Hoffmann, underlining the importance of such initiatives in enhancing financial inclusion in developing nations like Vietnam.

Through this visit, DSIK and its project partners have emphasized the significance of collaboration between countries in achieving shared development goals. The exchange of knowledge and expertise between Germany and Vietnam has undoubtedly contributed to the progress of financial literacy efforts in Vietnam.

As the visit concluded, both DSIK and its project partners remain committed to further enhancing financial education in Vietnam and further activities. The impact of such efforts extends beyond the academic realm, as they contribute to the sustainable economic development of the nation and empower students with valuable financial skills for their future.

In conclusion, Dr. Christoph Hoffmann's visit to DSIK's financial education project in Vietnam served as a testament to the importance of international cooperation in promoting financial literacy. The exchange of knowledge and experiences between Germany and Vietnam continues to foster positive developments, empowering students and contributing to Vietnam's sustainable economic future.