An upward journey with women in Vietnam

The German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK) is delighted to share the good news that our former long-term partner organization in Vietnam, Tinh Thuong Microfinance Institution (TYM) has just been recognized for a Top Impact Award for Asia in the 60 Decibels 2023 Microfinance Index.

The 2023 Microfinance Index included 55 Asian institutions and TYM ranked within the top 3 in the region across all six dimensions: Access, Business Impact, Household Impact, Client Protection, Resilience, and Agency. TYMs achievement is proof of its engaged fight for a brighter life of the poor and low- income women and families in Vietnam.

Between 2005 and 2022, DSIK, with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has supported TYM in the professionalization of its microfinance operations. The number of TYM clients since 2005 has steadily increased to over 180,000 in 83 districts, served by 581 employees and TYM is now considered a model for the entire sector.

We are proud to be part of TYM’s success story.